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A College Student, Journalist, and Writer.

Jul 23, 2021
Newlyn Nguyen brings color to the community with her art
FVHS senior Newlyn Nguyen has a passion for art, shown through her multiple displays throughout the community and her dedication to improve.

Jun 7, 2021
Comparing different music streaming services
With Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and more, which platform should you choose? Read more for each platform’s features and comparisons.

May 23, 2021
Column: Working a part-time job in high school during a pandemic
Although a job can be difficult at times, the skills I’ve gained from it is worth it. Read more about my experience.

May 15, 2021
Old Towne Orange: a glimpse of Orange County’s history
Take a look through some photos of the Old Towne Orange Historic District and Plaza.

Apr 15, 2021
HBUHSD to offer ethnic studies course by fall 2021
The course curriculum is still in development and awaiting approval before it can be opened to all HBUHSD students.

Mar 31, 2021
Newsom recall organizers submit 2.1 million signatures
Thousands have petitioned for a special recall election on Governor Gavin Newsom due to his response on various issues.

Mar 29, 2021
Let’s revive reading for pleasure
Reading isn’t a popular hobby for teens, even though we used to love reading as kids. By finding the time, we can enjoy it again.

Mar 20, 2021
We need to end the scapegoating of Asian Americans
The increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans caused by blame for the pandemic is horrific. Communities must rally to protect them.

Mar 5, 2021
Students protest over HBUHSD decision for virtual teachers to return to campus
A student-led group has made public comments at three HBUHSD board meetings and protested both virtually and in-person over HBUHSD’s recent

Feb 15, 2021
Environmental racism plagues communities of color
People of color are more likely to live in areas heavy with pollution, and environmental justice movements are trying to change that.

Feb 3, 2021
A pandemic mental health guide
Enjoying nature, learning a new hobby and exercising are some safe ways to improve your mental health.

Jan 5, 2021
The misleading perception of the New Year’s resolution
Setting goals should be an ongoing process; we shouldn’t wait until Jan. 1 to improve our lives.

Dec 7, 2020
Editorial: HBUHSD must allow teachers to stay online, create a fully-virtual cohort
HBUHSD’s decision to force virtual teachers to return back to school jeopardizes the health of students and teachers.

Nov 18, 2020
First COVID-19 case confirmed at FVHS
Two weeks after HBUHSD schools reopened, one case has been confirmed at FVHS.

Nov 16, 2020
Get hooked on crochet
Unlike playing instruments or cooking, you don’t need to be an expert to see success in crocheting.

Nov 6, 2020
Watch out, Gen Z. TikTok is taking over
TikTok influences Gen Z culture to unimaginable lengths.

Nov 5, 2020
Local election results are in
Here are the current results for local elections in the Fountain Valley, Westminster and Huntington Beach areas.

Oct 28, 2020
Partying during a pandemic isn’t the answer
Hosting parties during a pandemic is irresponsible and has lasting effects on our communities.

Oct 22, 2020
Highlights from the final presidential debate
With 12 days until the election, president Donald Trump & former vice president Joe Biden faced head-to-head in final presidential debate.

Oct 9, 2020
Trump’s rejection of “The 1619 Project” is a step backwards
President Donald Trump’s opposition towards “The 1619 Project” and his calls for a “patriotic education” are steps in the wrong direction.
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