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A College Student, Journalist, and Writer.

Mar 5, 2021
Students protest over HBUHSD decision for virtual teachers to return to campus
A student-led group has made public comments at three HBUHSD board meetings and protested both virtually and in-person over HBUHSD’s recent

Feb 3, 2021
A pandemic mental health guide
Enjoying nature, learning a new hobby and exercising are some safe ways to improve your mental health.

Dec 7, 2020
Editorial: HBUHSD must allow teachers to stay online, create a fully-virtual cohort
HBUHSD’s decision to force virtual teachers to return back to school jeopardizes the health of students and teachers.

Nov 18, 2020
First COVID-19 case confirmed at FVHS
Two weeks after HBUHSD schools reopened, one case has been confirmed at FVHS.

Oct 28, 2020
Partying during a pandemic isn’t the answer
Hosting parties during a pandemic is irresponsible and has lasting effects on our communities.

Oct 22, 2020
Highlights from the final presidential debate
With 12 days until the election, president Donald Trump & former vice president Joe Biden faced head-to-head in final presidential debate.

Jul 20, 2020
How COVID-19 will change the 2020 presidential election
Here’s an update on the recent primaries and voting during a pandemic.

Mar 19, 2020
Editorial: Stop hoarding supplies
Stockpiling, no matter how tempting and logical it seems amid the COVID-19 pandemic, is counterproductive, wrong and helps no one.
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