Get into the Halloween spirit with the perfect spooky basket for a friend. With a total price of under $15, this DIY basket is both fall-friendly and wallet-friendly.
Here are some things you can include in your basket:
Snacks: Halloween themed ones are the best.
Face masks: Try the ones with animal faces on them for a fun experience.
Candy: This is perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth. After all, it is Halloween.
Stationery supplies: Find these at your local Daiso for the cutest Japanese pens and stickers.
Halloween decorations: There’s nothing wrong with excessively decorating your room with these Halloween-themed items.
Fluffy socks: They’re cute, they’re fluffy, they’re soft, what could go wrong?
Pumpkin: You could even carve it yourself or with the person you’re giving the basket to.
Candles: Light a match, turn on a Halloween movie and inhale those beautiful autumn scents.
Stuffed animals: You’re never too old for a stuffed animal, especially a Halloween-themed one!
Mugs: This one is perfect for your favorite fall season drinks like apple cider, pumpkin spice latte or hot chocolate.
Pillows/blankets: Snuggle up! What’s better than being wrapped up in blankets?
Fairy lights: Decorate your room even more with flashy Halloween-themed lights.
Scrunchies: Release your inner VSCO girl, but make it spooky.
For the basket itself, you can use a trick-or-treating bucket. All items can be found at low prices at Target (in the dollar section) and the 99 cent store.
Don’t forget to add a card! It’s a small memento that wraps together your basket perfectly. Here is a link for some free printable Halloween-themed cards. Or you can make one yourself and look up designs on Pinterest.