People scream out chants and cheers. You bump into other students, scrambling to grab a pen for the sign-up sheet. Suddenly, you can’t find your friends as people crowd around and shove posters in your face. Club Rush can be scary and overwhelming, especially for freshmen. Here’s why you shouldn’t join too many clubs.
Putting in the dedication and commitment to a club takes a lot of work. Students usually join too many clubs, especially because of peer pressure or getting caught up in the excitement of Club Rush. By the end of the day, most don’t realize how many clubs they’ve committed to. It happens to every student, and it ends up being a waste of time and effort for everyone involved.
Students may get excited for a club at the beginning of the year, but they stop attending meetings and going to events and ignore the club’s posts halfway through the year. They realize the club might not be right for them or they just don’t have time for it anymore. Students end up wasting their time and the club’s time for an impromptu choice they made in the beginning of the year.
It’s not entirely the students’ fault, though. It makes sense that students sign up for more than they can handle; it’s because we have so many clubs to choose from.
Each club on campus has different expectations for their members. Some clubs need more time and energy while other clubs are just for fun. Don’t feel overwhelmed when choosing clubs. Instead, choose clubs wisely, like an activity that you can invest your time in, or a more relaxed club one that you can have fun in.
So everyone, don’t get caught up in the excitement of Club Rush. With so many choices, make sure to be more selective with the clubs you’re joining and know you can handle. The fate of the club depends on you.